Last year I made an anime pumpkin and people really seemed to like it. This year I thought I’d make a tutorial for how I made it. This is my first video tutorial! Hope you [...]
Halloween Anime Pumpkin Video Tutorial

Beach Camera Girl Study

I’m always trying to brush up on my art skills, and recently I’ve created a folder full of photos to study from. I’ve divided them into two categories: Pencil and Speedpaint. The “Pencil” folder is [...]
My top 5 hidden gem songs of 2010

Here, in no particular order are 5 of the coolest songs that have come out in 2010. I call them “hidden gems” because they’re probably not something you’d hear on the radio (but who knows… [...]
G.E.E.R. – The Christmas Game That Never Was

A little while ago I was digging around in some older folders and I found a little gem. Back in 2002, I was playing with an application called Game Maker around Christmas time, and had [...]
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Bacon Ornament Tutorial

Well, after putting them in my app, I realized I wanted some real-life bacon Christmas ornaments! So, After a few attempts, I came up with a way to make them resemble bacon while making them [...]
ART: Rei Hino

I want to start posting my pieces in this blog, but I’m still trying to decide whether to link to deviantart or just post here. In any case I wanted to try their “embed” feature. [...]
Boo Plush Tutorial

Wee! Halloween is around the corner, so I decided to alter my Kirby plush pattern to make a Boo plush tutorial! I made this one as a birthday gift for a friend. Like the the [...]
How to get FREE ART

Ok, so the title is a little sensationalistic, but I was afraid “How to Make Your Collaborative Project Succeed” was a kind of boring title. A few times a month I get an email that [...]